Pennan, a charming and quaint fishing village on Scotland's northeastern coast, is famous for its narrow, picturesque street adorned with white-washed houses and a distinctive red telephone booth, featured in the movie "Local Hero." Nestled amid cliffs and the North Sea, the village boasts a breathtaking and dramatic backdrop. Its traditional fishing boats, serene harbour, beach and rugged coastline contribute to its tranquil ambience, making it a sought-after destination for those searching for a peaceful retreat and an authentic Scottish coastal experience. Pennan is stunning on a lovely day, it is equally captivating during the storms when waves crash onto the coastline.
Travelling to Pennan by car is the easiest option and will take around an hour and a half from Aberdeen. Take the A90 north from Aberdeen towards Peterhead/Fraserburgh, then join the A952 towards Fraserburgh. Continue on the A952, then turn left onto the B9031, which leads directly to Pennan.
As Penna is a remote location, planning your journey is important, especially if you require local accommodation or are looking to use public transport. The famous Scottish weather can also make this an interesting journey on the narrow, winding roads.